What Do You Need To Know About Calcium Deficiency Diseases?

Calcium is one of the essential minerals in the human body. However, calcium deficiency diseases like hypocalcemia happen more frequently than we might suspect. Because this essential mineral affects our bone and dental health, a frequent visit to your dentist may help determine if you are experiencing low calcium symptoms. Learn more about calcium deficiency on this page.


Understanding Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency is a condition where the body has a lack of calcium. This mineral is fundamental for bone health, including the health of your teeth and a typical heart rhythm. It is also requiredcalcium deficiency diseases for nerve and hormone function, muscle contractions and relaxation, and blood pressure regulation.

Furthermore, your body should absorb calcium every day to maintain optimal health. The vast majority can get sufficient calcium by eating an assortment of food varieties wealthy in calcium. Foods that usually contain calcium include milk and other dairy items. You can also get more calcium by eating green, verdant vegetables, nuts, fish, and dried beans.


Types of Calcium Deficiency

The two common kinds of calcium deficiency are:

  • Dietary calcium deficiency. This condition is because of low calcium intake, which can prompt thinning and weakening of the bones and osteoporosis.
  • Hypocalcemia. This is a condition in which the calcium in the body is low. Hypocalcemia can happen due to medications such as diuretics, or disease processes, like hypoparathyroidism or renal failure.

In any case, untreated calcium deficiency can cause further medical issues, such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and cardiac arrhythmias. You can book an appointment today at Riverlands Dental in Richmond or any reliable dental clinic near you to help determine your treatment plan to lessen the risk of severe problems from calcium deficiency. In addition, seek immediate help or call 911 if you or somebody you are with have a seizure, chest pain, trouble breathing, or a strange change in consciousness.


Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

The indication that your body is insufficient in calcium may vary depending on the type, the underlying cause, the seriousness, and individual components.


Calcium Supplements Deficiency

Generally, there are no indications of dietary calcium deficiency until bone fractures or thinning happen. To immediately determine an issue like this, contact this clinic. Signs and symptoms can be uncertain, require a long time to occur, and may not be apparent until you have advanced osteoporosis. Furthermore, common indications include:

  • Loss of bone density
  • Bone pain or tenderness
  • Stooped posture because of kyphosis, abnormal curving of the spine
  • Back or neck pain, which can be extreme due to spinal bone fractures
  • A fracture that happens with little or no injury



Symptoms of low calcium levels in the blood, known as hypocalcemia, are usually different from side effects of low dietary calcium intake. Some individuals might have no manifestations of hypocalcemia, while others may encounter the following:

  • Numbness
  • Muscle spasms or muscle cramps
  • Poor appetite
  • Brittle nails
  • Bleeding under the skin creating little red spots
  • Burning or prickling feelings
  • Large bruised areas


Other Serious Symptoms

Serious side effects of calcium disorder that might indicate a life-threatening condition may include:

  • Seizure
  • Chest pain, pressure, tightness, or heart palpitations
  • Change in level of alertness or consciousness, such as fainting or passing out.
  • Rapid, irregular, or weak pulse
  • Unusual or profound weakness
  • Breathing or respiratory issues include trouble breathing, shortness of breath, labored breathing, not breathing, or choking.
  • Sudden, severe, painful muscle contractions


Causes of Calcium Deficiency Disease

Several reasons may decrease calcium absorption. This varies depending on the underlying cause.

Dietary calcium deficiency usually happens because of failure to take ideal calcium levels in the diet throughout a lengthy period. Low phosphorus, magnesium, or vitamin D supplements, which advance calcium absorption and use, can likewise result in this issue. Milk, enriched items, and sunlight can improve vitamin D levels, including phosphorus and magnesium.

On the other hand, hypocalcemia, a low blood calcium level, can occur because of a variety of causes, including:

  • Kidney stones or other kidney disordersThe man is suffering from neck pain.
  • Some cancers such as breast and prostate cancer
  • Low levels of parathyroid hormone or hypoparathyroidism
  • Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas
  • Medications, such as chemotherapy and diuretics
  • Certain surgeries, such as the removal of the stomach
  • Sepsis or blood infection
  • Magnesium, phosphate, or vitamin D deficiency


Risk Factors

Insufficient take of foods that contain calcium is the main factor in increased risk for dietary calcium deficiency. Also, people who hold fast to an extreme vegan diet and those with food hypersensitivities or lactose intolerance may experience issues devouring enough calcium in their regular diet. In any case, you can decrease the danger of dietary calcium inadequacy by eating calcium-rich foods or taking calcium supplements as suggested by your doctor.

On the other hand, risk factors for hypocalcemia include:

  • Kidney failure
  • Certain cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer
  • Certain surgical treatments
  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Pancreatitis
  • Medications, such as chemotherapy
  • Blood infection

Moreover, other risk factors include:

  • Dairy allergy
  • High phosphorus levels
  • Vegetarian or vegan diets
  • Alcoholism
  • Postmenopause
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding
  • High-protein or high-fiber diets
  • Genetic factors or family history of calcium deficiency disorder
  • Extreme levels of regular, vigorous exercise
  • Unbalanced weight-reducing diets that do exclude calcium-rich foods
  • Advanced age or past middle age people are at high risk for developing a calcium deficiency


Possible Complications of Calcium Deficiency

Medical issues related to calcium deficiency can be extreme and even life-threatening, especially in some cases of hypocalcemia. Following the treatment plan designed for you can help treat calcium deficiency and limit the risk of complications. In any case, possible complications of calcium deficiency include:

  • Depression
  • Osteopenia
  • Chronic bone and joint pain
  • Osteoporosis, thinning, and weakening of the bones
  • Osteomalacia, softening of the bones
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure
  • Laryngospasm
  • Cardiac arrhythmia or abnormal heart rhythm
  • Gynecological issues, such as irregular periods and infertility
  • Loss of height and kyphosis, abnormal curving of the spine
  • Rickets, low bone density because of vitamin D deficiency during childhood bone development


Treatment for Calcium Deficiency

Treatment for dietary calcium deficiency decreases the danger of developing severe complications, such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Treatments include supplanting the body’s depleted calcium stores and may incorporate:

  • Changing or adjusting medications that are related to calcium deficiencies, such as diuretics. Also, you must stop or change taking any medicine without first talking with your doctor.
  • Eating enough or increased amounts of calcium-rich foods, such as dairy, leafy vegetables, nuts, seafood, and dried beans.
  • Participating in standard yet not extremely strenuous activities
  • Consuming vitamin D increase the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract.
  • Last, taking vitamin and calcium supplements. Remember to follow the instruction as suggested by the doctor.

In addition, hypocalcemia treatment includes diagnosing and treating the fundamental cause and any related complications. Generally, treatment includes calcium supplementation. In extreme conditions, therapy might incorporate hospitalization, close observation in an intensive care unit (ICU), and intravenous calcium administration. You can ask the Croydon-based dentists from Maroondah Dental Care if you need more information.



Essential Nutrients for Bone Health and a Review of their Availability in the Average North American Diet.


Hypocalcemia (Low Level of Calcium in the Blood).


Types of Spinal Fractures.


Ten Effective Ways to Increase Vitamin D Intake.


Phosphorus and Your Diet.


Healthy Bones

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