Dental Implant Pressure Pain: How To Manage Implant Failure?

Dental implant pressure pain is not from the implant itself. Implant pain comes from somewhere else. It could probably pain from the gums or the bone surrounding the implant. It could be a dental implant infection or peri-implantitis. The bacteria from this infection can also penetrate the bone surrounding the dental implant. If you go to this page, you can find more information about a dental team to address your oral concerns. It can include addressing pain concerning your dental implants. You can go to Good Choice Dental Burwood to help you with your issues.


Dental Implant Pressure Pain

A sample of dental implant metal screw-like post.Dental implants are far different from natural teeth. It is because they don’t have nerves, which means they won’t experience any pain. That is why the pain you feel may come from a different source, perhaps the gums or the bone near the implant.

However, why do we need to undergo implant surgery in the first place? This surgical procedure involves replacing the tooth roots. Implants use metal, screw-like posts that will serve as artificial tooth roots.

Afterward, the dentist can place a dental crown on top of it. There will be no more missing teeth in effect, and you can smile with a complete set of teeth again. Dental implant surgery might include several procedures, if necessary.

For this reason, surgery may take time before completion. Additionally, even the recovery period will also vary per individual. This type of surgery is pretty sensitive as well. In this case, it would be best to find a well-trained dental professional to handle the procedure.


Implant Failure

As a sensitive procedure, something can go wrong if the dentist doesn’t have sufficient training. As a result, an implant failure can happen in the end. That is when implant pain can occur as well.

Several signs can show when an implant failure arises. Here are the symptoms that you should look out for after undergoing your implant surgery.

1 Severe Pain and Discomfort

The most common sign that comes along from a surgical failure is pain. In normal healing conditions, you will only feel pain for the first few days. Aside from that, you can relieve it using painkillers.

However, the pain can come at an excruciating level with throbbing waves. In worse cases, the pain can even occur long after the procedure. In this case, the best thing to do is seek medical help from your dentist before it’s too late.

2 Gum Recession

This condition can happen when the implants have poor positioning. Besides that, bone and tissue inadequacy is also a factor for gum recession. You can identify this condition by observing the appearance of the implant crown. Afterward, a painful inflammation can form around the implant.

3 Chewing and Biting Difficulty

If your implant procedure failed, you are most likely to experience difficulties when chewing or biting. It is because implants suppose to support your natural teeth and function like one. However, if the implant is not in proper position, the more these difficulties will arise.

4 Shifting and Loosen Implant

The dentist should ensure that they placed the implants correctly. In effect, there is no reason for the implants to wobble inside your mouth. If it does, you have to seek your dentist’s help immediately. Otherwise, you will encounter problems with your smile. Besides that, your jaw and bone can incur severe damage in the long run.

5 Sudden Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may have allergic reactions due to titanium alloy. It can include loss of taste, gum swollen gums, and a tingling sensation. However, it only means that the patient’s body is rejecting the implant.

6 Teeth Grinding

This condition is a long-term oral issue. It can affect the integration process of the implant to your jaw bone. Teeth grinding might be the result of the implant’s misalignment with your jaw bone.


Addressing Implant Pain

Applying chiropractic manipulations to address tooth pain.Dental implant pressure pain rarely occurs, and implant procedure is successful in most cases. However, if you have pain, you can still do something about it. An example of this is using chiropractic manipulations to alleviate dental/jaw pain.

Chiropractic manipulations can help ease the pain. With a well-trained chiropractor, the success rate to relieve pain using this method is high. This method could be what you need to address your pain.

Additionally, chiropractic manipulations can help relax muscles and soft tissue to optimize the function again. Your dentist would recommend this method to you if they knew it is best for your condition.

In general, your pain is not something you should neglect. It would be best to be observant of your pain. Some pain signifies an underlying health condition. In the case of dental implants, pain is not typical. So, if you have persistent pain, it requires medical attention.

Food for thoughts

Overall, the dental implant procedure is mostly successful. The dental implant’s function is to act like natural teeth, and it does. As a patient who has undergone this procedure, you cannot feel anything to cause you discomfort.

However, if you do feel something strange, there is something wrong. It could be persistent pain, wobbling effect, and many more. For this reason, it’s better to consult your dentist.


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