Invisalign Retainers- What To Expect

As your primary objective in having orthodontic treatment might be cosmetic, you ought to comprehend that a trained, experienced Invisalign dentist is much more concerned than just the appearance of your smile. She is concerned with your dental health – and malocclusion, or a lousy bite due to poorly-aligned teeth, can cause a great deal of discomfort in ways that you would not expect and they know how to ease discomfort from new braces.

Invisalign is an ideal orthodontic treatment for those who suffer from mild to moderate malocclusion. They are much easier and more comfortable than regular metal braces, which have become virtually obsolete in the decade or so that Invisalign has been available as a treatment option.

Invisalign retainers- What to expect.

After your initial consultation, a dental technician will take an impression of your teeth. This impression will be used as the basis of your first custom-made Invisalign retainer, or “tray.” As your teeth gradually move into their proper positions, you will need to return to your dentist in Blacktown, NSW about every two weeks or so to have new trays made.

It`s also vitally important that you wear the retainers every possible moment, removing them only for eating and cleaning your teeth. Those who claim that Invisalign treatments were of little help are those who failed to follow their dentist’s instructions and did not wear the Invisalign retainers as much as was required.

Remember that while Invisalign is perhaps the most effective orthodontic treatment available today, it works only to the extent that you do.

Aside from the apparent benefits of Invisalign (the fact that they are invisible and can be removed easily), most patients find that they get better results in a much shorter amount of time. Whereas people may wind up wearing braces for five years or longer, excellent results can be achieved with Invisalign in eighteen months on average.

Is The Invisalign Treatment Option Right for Me?

Your dentist in Leichhardt Marketplace Dental clinic can only answer this question. Make an appointment today; while Invisalign is not right for every patient, the fact is that almost a million people worldwide have benefited from this revolutionary treatment.


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