Magnesium & Bone Health’s Important

So many people do have some issues with their bones for lacking some minerals in their diet. One of the essential minerals that are important for you to have healthy bones is the magnesium supplement. There are so many benefits that you may get when you have enough magnesium in your diet. Below is a relationship between magnesium and bone health.

Bone Health and Magnesium

Magnesium is needed to carry out important biochemical processes in the body such as metabolism and absorption of calcium. Vitamin D and calcium have been seen to play a vital role in making sure that you have healthy bones. With the low magnesium, you will inhibit the calcium and vitamin D homeostasis in your bones. Your body will therefore not be able to convert vitamin D into its active form for the calcium to be absorbed. So many people who do not have enough magnesium have been seen to develop osteoporosis

magnesiumMagnesium stimulates the production of the hormone calcitonin, which assists in preserving the bone structure by drawing calcium compounds out of the soft tissues and blood back into the bones. This kind of process assists to reduce the likelihood of you getting kidney stones, heart attack and some form of arthritis. In case you do not like to take a lot of magnesium but instead, you take a lot of calcium, you have high chances of getting this kind of diseases.

If you have low magnesium content in your body will not be able to activate the enzymes that are needed to form new bones in your body.

If you have enough magnesium your body will be able to suppress the parathyroid hormone which assists in stimulating the release of calcium supplements from the bones into the bloodstream. This, in turn, will decrease the formation of new bones and increase destruction of bone. If you understand the relationship above between magnesium and bone health, you will surely, make ensure that you take enough it in your diet.

Healthy Bones

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