7 Causes Of Pain In Muscles Of The Face And Neck (Treatment Included)

Waking up with severe headaches can exhaust your whole day. Especially, facial pain can lead to stress, anxiety, and even fatigue. The causes of pain muscles of the neck and face may vary from its health care origin. Notably, people can experience dental, facial, or other external reasons. You can try relaxing the facial muscles with a clinic that offers service for facial yoga, skin chiropractic, or even prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs to decrease the pain. Sometimes, we may not be aware of how the problem in the muscles of the face and neck may tell symptoms of diseases in our body. Here are other details you need to learn that may also give you signs to visit a doctor soon. 


Muscles Of The Face And Neck: Why Are They Essential?

The primary function of the muscles of the face and neck is to support the bones that make up the face and neck’s anatomy. What helps people show a facial expression? Among the vast number of muscles in the body, there are muscle groups that make us smile, help in chewing, laugh, open our eyes, and even breathe. Damage in the muscles like orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus major, and other important muscles and nerves in the face can have risks. An emergency needs urgent care to prevent further complications. Moreover, episodic tensions in the body’s muscles may lead to chronic painful diseases if not treated as soon as possible.


Muscle Groups Of Face And Neck:


Orbital Group

Muscles Of The Face And Neck Groups

The eye sockets rest on the orbital facial muscles, which control the eyelids movement. Furthermore, it also protects the eyes, notably, the cornea from external damage. It also holds the drainage of tear glands and may create crow’s feet. 

  • Orbicularis Oculi (Contains temporal and zygomaticus major)
  • Corrugator Supercilli


Nasal Group

The nasal muscles cover the nose’s movement, particularly the facial nerves, holding the nasal bridge and shows wrinkles in the nose. Among all the muscles of the face and neck, the nasal group has the least contribution in facial tension and pain.

  • Nasalis
  • Procerus
  • Depressor Septi Nasi


Oral Group

The mouth and lips are among the most critical parts of the body that create a facial expression. This group contains most of the causes of pain in the muscles of the neck. Oral muscles are also responsible for eating, whistling, singing, and speaking.

  • Orbicularis Oris
  • Buccinator


What Are The 7 Causes Of Pain In Muscles Of The Face And Neck?

Pain in muscles of the face and neck, also called facial tension, is caused by various reasons. Whether it’s internal health or the environment, it is best to seek immediate medical attention for severe pain symptoms. If you want to know the correct treatment to decrease problems in your facial muscles, here are some causes to ponder on. 


Accident Or Trauma

Human anatomy can be fragile, especially for the skull, posterior, and anterior bone, which have side effects on the muscle. What are accidents or trauma that can damage your face and neck? Sports injury, vehicular accidents, fall from heights, or even slipping from stairs or running require emergency medical help. An orthopedic surgeon can analyze and perform surgery on the anatomy of every person. 


Sleep Apnea

Muscles Of The Face And Neck Treatment Included

Breathing problems like sleep apnea tends to rub muscles in the breathing passageways in the throat and nasal cavities. Due to this tension, most people snore and experience shortness of breath, severe headaches in the morning, and even dry mouth. A mouthguard can prevent sleep apnea, but severe muscle pain in the neck may require surgical procedures for treatment. Don’t hesitate to visit your local dentist for a check-up.


Wrong Sleeping Position

Waking up on the wrong sleeping position can affect a person’s cervical spine. Painful neck from illnesses like torticollis (also known as the wry neck) may affect the rest of your head. Having a stiff neck can also prevent you from doing facial expressions since the nerves connected in your head and neck can counteract your muscle movement. 


Severe Toothaches Or Gum Diseases

Dental problems are directly connected to the nerves underneath the tooth and gums. Any cavities, bacterial infection, or injury in the mouth instantly follows pain in your neck or head. According to dentists, bacterial infection can spread in the bloodstream, which goes through your face and neck. To prevent periodontal diseases from severely affecting your overall wellness, you should get an X-ray examination from your dental clinic. 


TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disease

Another reason why people experience uneven upper or lower bite is due to a dental problem called TMJ or temporomandibular joint disease. Popping or clicking of the jaw can indicate that your muscles and jawbones don’t align. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon may help treat your painful TMJ to prevent it from getting worse.


Myofascial Pain Syndrome

A localized pain in an area of the face and neck may generally lead to myofascial pain syndrome. This illness may come from psychological stress, muscle trauma, or sleep disturbances. According to doctors, myofascial trigger points in the muscle of your face, head, and neck may have different side effects. Mainly, twitching, tingling, stress, and severe pain may come from past surgeries or injuries. You may want to visit your preferred doctor right away to know what causes your myofascial pain syndrome. 


Nerve And Vascular Pain

Muscles Of The Face And Neck

The muscle of your neck can also be an indication that you are experiencing nerve and vascular pain. Most chronic nerve and muscle conditions can come from an interruption in the blood flow. People with vascular pain usually have coronary (heart) disease, ischemia, circulatory system problems, and vasculitis or inflammation of blood vessels. 


How Do You Treat Pain In Muscles Of The Face And Neck

You may want to exercise the essential parts of your body to help lower skin, muscle, or bone problems. On the other hand, we suggest that you visit chiropractic to check your neck and face any muscle contraction sign. Besides, chiropractic is a noninvasive way for pain relief that anyone can try. However, we still suggest that you visit your specialized doctor for the best approach in treating the muscles of the face and neck. 


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