Why Does My Jaw Pop? (6 Common Reasons For TMJ Disorders)

Why does my jaw pop? Sometimes, hearing a clicking sound from the jaw can also be accompanied by a painful sensation. Jaw popping can emerge from overextending the jaw. This happens when you open your mouth too wide when eating or yawning. If you have a painful jaw, you may need to get some pain relief ideas from a reliable dental specialist (just click on this link). At times, it is because of the temporomandibular joints that connect the jawbone to the sides of the skull. Read more to learn about the different reasons why your jaw is popping and its possible treatment. Visit CP Dental’s clinic in Brisbane today and get a consultation with their dentists.

About Jaw Popping

Jaw popping can be a painful experience that is brought about by temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). These joints connect the jawbone to the skull, one joint on each side. The hinge movement of the jaw joint is responsible for your ability to talk, chew, or yawn. When the temporomandibular joint does not function properly, a popping sound can happen.


Why Does My Jaw Pop : Possible Causes of TMJ Disorder

You may encounter jaw popping and TMD if you:

  • have teeth grinding issueswhy does my jaw pop
  • bite your fingernails
  • clench your jaw
  • bite your lip or cheek
  • chew gum too often
  • thrust your jaw out


Often doing these practices can cause wear and tear on the joints, leading to erosion. Generally, jaw popping is not a cause for concern if there is not any jaw pain with it. Nevertheless, any injury can also affect your teeth and gums, so you need the assistance of your dental provider for this. Go and visit Bay Dental Studio today, for instance, if you feel your jaw pain is causing tooth and gum issues as well.  There are definite fundamental issues for the popping can make a TMJ condition that requires a medical assistant. These causes can incorporate:


Broken or Dislocated Jaw

A broken or dislocated jaw can happen when you encounter some injuries. These injuries can include:

  • vehicle accidents
  • industrial accidents
  • a physical assault to the face
  • sports injuries
  • falling at home

Once you have a broken or dislocated jaw, you may also have:

  • bleeding
  • numbness
  • bruising
  • swelling

Moreover, keep in mind that jaw injuries should be addressed quickly for proper healing.



Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints. Two of the most prevalent types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These two can cause cartilage damage in the TMJ.

The damage in the TMJ cartilage tissue can make jaw movements troublesome. They can cause a popping sound and locking sensation in the jaw joint.

Other manifestations of arthritis include:

  • stiffness
  • joint pain
  • swelling or inflammation
  • a decreased range of motion

Additionally, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis may encounter weariness and appetite loss.


Malocclusion of The Teeth

Malocclusion of the teeth or teeth misalignment can cause the jaw to pop. Most dentists use malocclusion to refer to buck teeth, crossbite, protruding lower jaw, open bite, or crowded teeth.

Other symptoms of teeth misalignment include:

  • speech problems
  • biting the inner cheeks or tongue frequently
  • changed facial appearance
  • breathing through the mouth
  • trouble when biting or chewing

In any case, orthodontic treatments, such as braces, are the standard technique to fix the malocclusion of the teeth. If you need professional help, you can visit Bright Dental Group in Glenmore Park to help correct this form of dental issue.


Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)

This condition results in chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system. Primarily, the pain is located in one area. Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) makes the jaw pop when you speak, chew, yawn, or open your mouth wide.

Furthermore, individuals with MPS have sensitive spots or trigger points. These spots cause pain when you apply pressure. If you have this condition, you can also experience:

  • painful knots in muscles
  • pain that deteriorates with straining or stretching of the muscle
  • mood and sleep disturbances
  • pain that does not improve after a week
  • a smaller range of movement in the affected area


Sleep Apnea

Jaw popping also happens because of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA).

OSA makes an individual stop breathing automatically all through their sleep cycle because of narrowness in the throat. The restricted airflow limits how much air enters the lungs, causing them to wake up to catch their breath.

Other indications of OSA include:

  • headachesThe dentist offers a dental splint to the patient.
  • snoring
  • depression
  • daytime sleepiness
  • leg swelling

On the other hand, individuals who have CSA stop breathing intermittently during the resting period because the brain does not signal the muscles precisely. Individuals with CSA might encounter:

  • trouble swallowing
  • generalized weakness
  • changes in speech patterns and voice

Moreover, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is the most common approach to sleep apnea.



A salivary gland infection can promote jaw popping and TMD. Below are the usual places for the condition to live in.

  • parotid glands within the cheek
  • sublingual glands situated under your tongue
  • submandibular glands just beneath the jawbone

Also, you might not be able to completely open your mouth, resulting in a popping sound. Other symptoms you may experience include:

  • dry mouth
  • foul taste in the mouth
  • pus in the mouth
  • face pain
  • swelling of the face and neck

Furthermore, know that the infection in the salivary gland should be treated immediately.



Your doctor may recommend home remedies to help relieve TMJ pain. Home remedies may incorporate:

  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, antidepressants, or muscle relaxants
  • applying an ice compress or moist heat to the jaw
  • eating more softer foods
  • doing TMJ-specific exercises
  • wearing a dental splint

Additionally, your doctor may suggest that you go through medical treatment, such as:

  • ultrasounds
  • radio wave therapy
  • corrective dental treatments
  • trigger point injections
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Sometimes, if other treatment options are unsuccessful, your only alternative is to undergo a surgical procedure. Relevant surgeries include:

  • open-joint surgery
  • arthrocentesis
  • arthroscopy



Generally, jaw popping is an impermanent condition that can be addressed with home remedies and lifestyle changes. Nonetheless, individuals who experience jaw popping that continues, worsens, repeats, or occurs with pain or other issues, should see their doctor. Addressing the underlying reason for jaw popping is necessary to keep other complications from arising.



Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD).


Arthritis (Joint Inflammation).


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.


Healthy Bones

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