Exercises for Scoliosis and How to Do Them

Exercises help in straightening and strengthening of physical posture and avoiding curving of one side for people with Scolisis. However, these exercises should be approached with caution for some of them can cause harm instead. Some helpful tools to include during these exercises are stability ball, foam roller, BOSU balance trainer, scoliSMART activity suit, and training wedges. For some safe and easy exercises for scoliosis check this website.

Exercises for Scoliosis

These exercises should be done after you have thoroughly researched on how to do them or in the presence of a qualified instructor.

1. Arm/leg raise

This exercise helps to strengthen your core muscles and lower back muscles that support your spine.

a) Ease on your stomach, put your forehead or chin on the ground and extend your

arms overhead and straighten your legs.

b) Slowly, raise any arm for a few seconds then lower it back.

c) Repeat these steps 15 times using each of your arm and legs.


2. Plank

a) Lie down with your elbows on the ground and support yourself with the toes.

b) For 5 seconds, hold this position while squeezing your abs in.

c) In and out breath while resting.

d) Repeat these 10 times.


3. Squats

a) Standing on the BOSU trainer, find your balance. exercises for scoliosis

b) Arms extended in front, imagine you are sitting on a chair and do so back and


c) Repeat


4. Pelvic tilt

It aids in strengthening your abdominal muscles and should be done on a yoga mat.

a) Ease your back on the ground and bend your knees with the feet flat on the


b) Pull your stomach in for 20 seconds. This will push your pelvis in and flatten your

back on the ground.

c) Do these 10 times.


5. Cat Pose

It is a good relaxing and strengthening exercise for the spine. Also acts as a cure for backache.

a) Ease to a cat-like position.

b) Look up the ceiling while pushing your lower back down.

c) Exhale and form a hunch back.

d) Repeat these steps 20 times.


Other exercises include; tree pose, hip roll and bridge, spine release among others.


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