TMJ Facial Pain Relief

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is an oral condition caused by a form of arthritis in the jaw joint. This joint is responsible for the movement and function of your jaw that allows you to move your facial muscles around. Other possible causes of TMJ include teeth grinding, genetics, and excessive stretching of the jaw. Seek professional help if you feel that you have so much pain on your facial area and call them today for an appointment. These causes can result in many other disorders making it difficult to know if TMJ is the cause of your discomfort.

Common symptoms of TMJ include:

  • Swelling on the side of your face
  • A headache
  • Immobility of the jaw
  • Pain around the neck and jaw area

Some of the practical methods of TMJ facial pain relief include:

  • Warm Compress to the affected area
    This helps in promoting relaxation to the facial muscles thus, supporting TMJ pain relief.
  • Dietary Changes
    There are food types that can aggravate TMJ pains due to the chemicals and ingredients in them. Foods such as citrus that contain iron content and vitamin C are highly recommended. If the TMJ is severe, you should try foods that are high in hyaluronic acid found in animal tendons.

    • Stress Control
      TMJ joint gets overused when you are stressed as you will tend to tighten the jaws, tense your face, and grind your teeth. It’s known to contribute in eroding the joints which lead to TMJ pains. Sleeping early and meditation will reduce stress and relief the pains.
  • Stretching
    Stretching in and around the mouth eases tension and stress in your jaw.
  • Posture improvements
    Bad posture can have a detrimental effect on your muscles causing them to tighten and tense up. Our upper and lower teeth should be slightly apart while the lips are closed. Specific facial exercises can help such as mandibular movements where you close and open your lower jaw and move them slowly from side to side.

It’s advised to seek medical attention if TMJ pain is severe. If left untreated, it can cause the jaw to lock leading to secondary symptoms like weight loss and a decline in oral health.

Healthy Bones

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