Does Capsular Contracture Massage Work?

When you decide to undergo breast augmentation surgery, your surgeon would discuss with you all the things you need to know and understand before, during, and after the procedure. He should be able to discuss with you that common postoperative complications and risks of this procedure include capsular contracture. So, let us help you gather information on ways to relieve this condition, like using capsular contracture massage, since a surgeon for breast implants in Sydney says that pain can be eased with massage.

What is capsular contracture?

As the body heals after surgery, it normally creates scar tissue around a foreign body or implant. This encapsulation supports and somehow helps the implant from moving or ‘slipping’. Capsular contracture happens when the scar tissue that covers the implant becomes unnaturally hard and deforms the implant. The hardness and deformation affect the integrity of the implant, the physical appearance of the breasts, and may cause pain or discomfort to the patient.

How should capsular contracture be treated?

Most cases with severe capsular contracture need revision surgery. The surgeon removes the scar tissue and the implant then prescribes antibiotics. He may then ask the patient if she would want to reinsert another implant once the breasts are healed. However, there are reports that show capsular contracture may still develop after since a second cosmetic surgery makes the patient prone to bacterial infection all over again.

capsular contracture massageThere is now a treatment option where a special instrument called a harmonizer is pressed toward the affected area and sends ultrasonic waves that help soften the scar tissue. It also promotes collagen growth. However, this practice is not yet fully advertised and practiced in other parts of the world.

How is capsular contracture massage helpful?

Another way to address capsular contracture is to undergo medical massage therapy. Through this massage, the patient’s breasts gradually became soft again and manual manipulations of the breasts made the scar tissue a bit more pliable and softer, allowing the implant to return to its normal shape. It improved blood circulation to the breasts and reduced the swelling that aggravated the discomfort the patient is already feeling, thus, avoiding re-surgery all in all.


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